James Sprunt Community College: Excited about Spring enrollment

James Sprunt Community College: Excited about Spring enrollment

The start of a new semester is always an exciting time at James Sprunt Community College. Despite a global pandemic, JSCC still managed a 6% growth in 2021. Trends appear to continue for the 2022 school year. The Spring term appears to be another record-breaking season in reference to enrollment for the college.

The success of JSCC is due in part to the staff’s personal approach to registration. The campus recently hosted a Walk-in Registration opportunity on January 4th-5th from 9:00 am- 6:00 pm. Campus hours were extended to accommodate working students. Students have also had the option to register online with available help from student advisors and financial aid representatives. 

Dr. Dustin Walston, Vice President of Curriculum/ Chief Academic Officer states, “We are so pleased with our spring enrollment numbers. Our faculty and staff worked extremely hard to support our students during the challenges of COVID this past fall, which ensured that many of our students were able to make a successful transition into the spring semester. We also have had new student enrollment as well. It definitely takes everyone working together to support our students and I am proud of how we have all pulled together to have such a successful start to the spring semester.

JSCC also hosted a Spartan Spirit Week on campus with a themed activity for each day to draw in students. Special events included Greet and Treat Day, Are you Spartan Ready, Craft Exposé, Bingo, and a Free Coffee Friday. JSCC is passionate about providing a college experience for students. 

Another unique offering JSCC has provided to students is the benefit of free tuition. JSCC has provided students free tuition through the Spartan Spirit Funding for Summer 2021, Fall 2021, and now Spring 2022. This has given students an opportunity to begin their collegiate journey for little to no cost! 

Due to the rising need for online course offerings, JSCC worked to provide technology to meet student needs. JSCC invested a significant amount of funding in 2021 to execute campus-wide technology upgrades. An investment of $478,000 was made for technology needs such as laptops and laptop carts since the onset of the pandemic. Campus-wide IT upgrades such as new fiber, new switches, generators for switch rooms, and MiFi/hotspots for students and staff were also purchased.

Prospective students can also be comforted that it’s never too late! JSCC has now implemented rolling start dates. Students can participate in Late-Start classes with the same free tuition offering. Classes being advertised in this offering include:


ART-111 Art Appreciation

COM-231 Communication/Speech

ENG-112 Writing/Research 

HIS-132 American History II

MUS-110 Music Appreciation

OST-131 Keyboarding

SOC-210 Intro to Sociology


PSY-150 General Psychology

PSY-241 Developmental Psych


REL-211 Intro to Old Testament

These classes begin on February 7th. For more information, students are encouraged to call Student Services at (910) 275-6360 or register online at www.jamessprunt.edu. Dr. White, Associate Vice President of Student Services encourages students to continue to register. “We are excited to welcome over 1,300 students to JSCC this spring. You still have time to join the JSCC family with late-start classes beginning soon. For assistance with enrollment, please contact Student Services,” says White. JSCC is certain Spring 2022 is a great time to join our family and build your future with us.

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