Town of Greenevers: Public hearing and comprehensive plan

Town of Greenevers: Public hearing and comprehensive plan

Please take notice that a Public Hearing and Consideration of Adoption for the 2022 Town of Greenevers Comprehensive Plan will be held on Thursday, June 30, 2022 beginning at 7:00 pm by the Town Board and the Planning Board.  The proposed plan will address new planning and development regulations requirements established by the state (NCGS 160D). 

Copies of the proposed plan are available for review at the Town of Greenevers, 314 E Charity Road, Rose Hill, NC 28458. The plan is also available on the Town of Greenevers’ website at

The public is invited to speak on the proposed plan at the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted prior to, or at the public hearing. Any questions, written comments, or requests for a copy of the proposed update should be directed to the Town of Greenevers at (910) 289-3078 or Written comments will be given the same weight as oral testimony and be part of the public record. Written comments need to be received by the end of the day on Wednesday, June 29, 2022.

The Planning Board and Town Board will review the comments received prior to adoption of the proposed plan. The Planning Board and Town Board may take action to adopt the Proposed Comprehensive Plan immediately following the public hearing.

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