Soul-Full Sisters: Friendly Mart Hot Dogs

Soul-Full Sisters: Friendly Mart Hot Dogs

From the recipe box of the Soul-Full Sisters

Just close your eyes and imagine: Toes in the hot sand, bottom in a lounge chair, the smell of sunscreen, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, your skin is starting to tingle, and then you take a bite into pure one-handed heaven. You start to chew while chili and slaw drip on your leg and then run down. You wipe it and your face with the beach towel from the back of your chair, and then wash it down with a cold Diet Sun Drop. Our friends, you just experienced eating a Friendly Mart hot dog on a Surf City Beach.

Photo by the Soul-Full Sisters, Quinn Carlton Bostic, Paten Carlton

Paten and I grew up going to Surf City, Topsail Island. It was our second home and easily our favorite place in the whole world. We spent many birthdays, Memorial Days, 4th of Julys, and summer weekends in our yellow cottage with the green shutters. Every weekend spent in 1905 North Shore Drive didn’t pass without Mama or Daddy handing Paten or me a $20 bill and saying, “go get us some hot dogs – I want mine all the way”. Luckily, our little slice of heaven was just about as close to the Friendly Mart as it was the beach so we could ride about two seconds down the road to get the $2.99 hot dog special (2 hot dogs, bag of chips, and a canned drink) – best deal on the island. We’d come back and enjoy our lunch in either one of the squeaky bar stools, on the deck, or sitting on the beach in a lounge chair. Unfortunately, the cubby hole (Carlton family nickname for the beach house) is no longer ours, and enjoying Friendly Mart hot dogs in my favorite kitchen, on the deck, or the beach in front of the cottage are long gone (as I type with tears in my eyes).

Photo by the Soul-Full Sisters, Quinn Carlton Bostic, Paten Carlton

However, Paten and I still enjoy day dates in Surf City while having a few Friendly Mart hot dogs. Because there are days that we cannot drive all the way to the beach to enjoy a good hot dog, we have prepared for you our take on the Friendly Mart hot dog.

Full Recipe: 

Written by the Soul-Full Sisters, Quinn Carlton Bostic, Paten Carlton

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