James Sprunt Community College 's mascot Sparty visits local elementary school

James Sprunt Community College 's mascot Sparty visits local elementary school

James Sprunt Community College’s mascot, Sparty, had a super fun visit to one of our local elementary schools, B.F. Grady, for STEAMA Career and College Day last week! The kids loved giving him high fives and showing off their "Spartan Arms".

A big thanks to Megan Holland, the school counselor, for coordinating this with us and allowing the kids to see JSCC in action!


James Sprunt Community College hosts ribbon cutting ceremony for new Hoffler Building

James Sprunt Community College hosts ribbon cutting ceremony for new Hoffler Building

The Duplin County Sheriff’s Office Cadet Unit 1090 participates in the 35th Annual North Carolina Association of Law Enforcement Explorers Advisors Survival Weekend Camp

The Duplin County Sheriff’s Office Cadet Unit 1090 participates in the 35th Annual North Carolina Association of Law Enforcement Explorers Advisors Survival Weekend Camp